Making Sense of the Long Animation Frames (LoAF) API [29a158b0-fbe6-51dc-81bd-44ad65382c49]
Andy Davies
MapTCHA, the open source CAPTCHA that improves OpenStreetMap [701a6d4a-c547-5781-88ad-644386438c39]
Anna Zanchetta
Measure what you manage: Transparent Energy consumption of cloud infrastructure [87f89e22-103a-5fc6-9d66-1e67b7bd583b]
Josefine Kipke
MicroBlocks 2.0: a complete makeover [900e1f4e-0bff-5cb5-b7f5-0dd1597b401a]
Bernat Romagosa, John Maloney
Mobile Browsers: the Best of Times, the Worst of Times [c2f7a5b9-9bc1-5187-90d4-23d6fb9521d4]
David Llewellyn-Jones
Monitoring Security Operations with JDK Flight Recorder Events [9456817b-3c9b-58cb-8fdc-858a4929dfcc]
Seán Coffey
Moving work into the middle end [ea099777-c164-5c6f-952a-a8b41a25fcef]
Jon Chesterfield
NetBox DNS - Single source of truth for DNS [df9d1fa1-7d29-560e-8e13-16f80b570e5b]
Peter Eckel
NextGraph : Build collaborative, local-first and decentralized apps [1f87ba12-3062-5cd1-afd8-88a997d6c37e]
Niko Bonnieure
Nim for Pythonistas (and Open Source Lovers) [5866836c-5e5b-5994-9931-fb0e19b00400]
Pietro Peterlongo
Showing 271 to 280 of 1000 events