Writing GTKWave documents, with style [12979]
Cesar Strauss | A Python-based CSS-like mini language for generating GTKWave documents
XWiki as an FOSS alternative to Confluence and Notion [12990]
Ludovic Dubost, Anca Luca | Status in 2021: realtime editing, livedata feature, confluence migrator and macros
corundum [13007]
Ulrich Langenbach, Alex Forencich | From a NIC to a Platform for In-Network Compute
gr-ofdmradar: OFDM Radar in GNU Radio [12977]
David Winter
i3-Market Self Sovereign Identity Authentication [12988]
alessandro.amicone | Authentication based on Distributed Identity and Verifiable credentials using OpenID Connect and Veramo
luox [12481]
Somang Nam | An open-source, open-access web platform implementing international standards for the quantification of light
nMigen HDL [13509]
Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton | a way to create hardware in python
ngspice - current status and future developments [12984]
Holger Vogt
ply: lightweight eBPF tracing [12620]
Frank Vasquez
secPaver: Security Policy Development Tool [13203]
Showing 671 to 680 of 682 events