Somebody set up us the bomb [12903]
Allon Mureinik | Expansion attacks in Node.js
Sparselizard 2021.11 - your multiphysics FEM simulation tool [12583]
Alexandre Halbach
Spatial query of coordinate reference systems and its integration with GRASS GIS [12898]
Huidae Cho
Spritely Goblins comes to Guile [12680]
Christine Lemmer-Webber | Distributed, secure, asynchronous programming
SquirrelJME, Java Flip Phone Emulation [12927]
Stephanie Gawroriski | Preserving the history of obsolete cellular devices
Standards panel [13045]
Mathieu Jacomy, Peter Selby, Manuel Spitschan
Subplot - documenting your criteria for success [12702]
Daniel Silverstone | Expressing argumentation in a validatable way
Suggestions for a Stronger Mozilla Community [12595]
Robert Kaiser | Personal Thoughts and Ideas for Possible Improvements
Supporting open design in Bitcoin [12804]
Christoph Ono, Johns Beharry | Stories and learnings from 1.5 years of supporting designers and open design processes in the Bitcoin ecosystem.
Sustainable community building with the Wikibase Stakeholder Group [12507]
Lozana Rossenova, Dragan Espenschied
Showing 591 to 600 of 682 events