Newest MySQL component services features [12940]
Joro Kodinov | or how to make an HTTP server accessing table data in a component
Nextcloud in 2021 [12935]
Jos Poortvliet | Overview of 3 releases and a bit under a million features
OOXML Document Analysis [12850]
Gülşah Köse
OST2: A new way to grow security talent for open source projects [13544]
Piotr Król, Xeno Kovah | Open Security Training 2
Old Web Today: Keeping Flash (and other) Retro Web Sites Accessible on the modern web [13005]
Ilya Kreymer | Techniques for combining web archives and emulation using FOSS tools.
On Backporting Practices in Package Dependency Networks [12907]
Ahmed Zerouali, Tom Mens
On the Far Side of REST [12477]
Jens Finkhaeuser | An Architecture for a Future Internet
On the dissemination/evaluation loop for Research Software [12672]
Teresa Gomez-Diaz
One stop shop: Best Practices for Programming Embedded FPGAs [12632]
Babar Khan
Oniro - an open-source starter for fast-paced IoT environments [12750]
Ettore Chimenti, Sebastian Serewa | A retrospect on an open-source project development
Showing 501 to 510 of 682 events