Keep appetite for the stats, it costs nothing [12434]
Arthur de Kerhor, Hedi Bouattour | Presentation of the statistics consumption model in VPP from the costless low-level design to their exploitation in userspace
KiCad Project Update [12601]
Knowledge management communities panel [13039]
Paul Girard, Damien Goutte-Gattat, Lozana Rossenova, Dragan Espenschied
Kotlin + Maths [13146]
Dinorah Tovar
Kotlin DevRoom Welcoming Remarks [13518]
Nicola Corti, Martin Bonnin, Marco Gomiero, Holger Steinhauer, Julien Salvi
Kotlin, CLIs and StarWars! [12906]
Julien Lengrand-Lambert | An introduction to creating CLI applications with Kotlin using Picocli
KubeVirt scale test by creating 400 VMIs on a single node [12559]
Marcelo Amaral
Kubernetes networking : is there a cheetah within your Calico? [12386]
Nathan Skrzypczak, Christopher Tomkins | Even faster kubernetes clusters with Calico, VPP and memif
LAVA + OpenQA = Automated, Continuous Full System Testing [12666]
James Thomas, Laurence Urhegyi
LOWA - LibreOffice WebAssembly [12880]
Thorsten Behrens | Most recent updates, working code, and ample stories of how we got to have LibreOffice run natively in a browser
Showing 441 to 450 of 682 events