GR 3.10 [13516]
Josh Morman | Update and examples of new features
GRUB - Project Status Update [13104]
Daniel Kiper
Generating SBOM for your code using OSS Review Toolkit [12551]
Thomas Steenbergen
Generating virtual 3D exhibitions from Wikipedia [12726]
blinry, bleeptrack | Let's dive into some rabbit holes with The Everything Exhibition!
Genode meets the Pinephone [12859]
Norman Feske
Getting Started with AdaWebPack [12887]
Max Reznik
GitBuilding: Open source documentation for open source hardware [12783]
Julian Stirling
Gradle: a deeper look at the Kotlin DSL [12582]
Martin Bonnin | Everything you didn't want to know about Gradle Kotlin APIs
HPC for Social & Crime Science [12851]
Philipp M. Dau | Big Data in Police and Crime Research
HPC from Python to Nim [12770]
Ayman Al Baz | A preliminary introduction to performance optimization
Showing 381 to 390 of 682 events