Exascale PMI on a heterogeneous sub-exascale Slurm cluster [12827]
Alex Domingo
Exploring Linux Memory Usage and IO Performance for Cloud Native Databases [12769]
Frits Hoogland
Exporting Ada Software to Python and Julia [12896]
Jan Verschelde | Applying GPRbuild to make shared object files
F-UJI : A Tool for the automated assessment and improvement of the FAIRness of Research Data [13519]
Patricia Herterich
FASTEN: Fine-Grained Analysis of Software Ecosystems as Networks [12938]
Amir Mir
FEX-Emu: Fast(-er) x86 emulation for AArch64 [12886]
Ryan Houdek | How we're creating a better gaming experience on ARM
FOSDEM Conference Infrastructure [13110]
Wouter Verhelst
FOSS Events Primer [12539]
Deb Nicholson | Get Out There and Run One!
Fast, robust predicates for geometric algorithms [12889]
Tinko Sebastian Bartels | A C++ metaprogramming implementation of fast, robust floating-point arithmetics for geometric predicates
Faster Apache Maven Builds [12901]
Nicolas Frankel
Showing 351 to 360 of 682 events