Designing a programming language for the desert [12364]
Troels Henriksen
Destructuring Frontend monoliths with MicroFrontends [12384]
Trishul Goel
Dissecting Slices, Maps and Channels in Go [12448]
Jesús Espino
European digital sovereignty and open source [12716]
Vittorio Bertola | How Europe is regulating big tech and what's in it for FLOSS
How to build a free and open cloud [13051]
Adam Souzis
How to design powerful DSLs for users [12741]
John Mercouris | Decisions, decisions, decisions...
Shedding Light on the Shadow DOM [13066]
Anthony Giuliano | Learning how, when, and why to use the shadow DOM
Symbols Symbols everywhere [13119]
Martin Naughton
The Matrix State of the Union [12648]
Matthew Hodgson | What's the Matrix Core Team up to?
The manifold joys of metaprogramming [12717]
Juan Julián Merelo | In Raku and elsewhere...
Showing 11 to 20 of 682 events