Implementing the NTFS filesystem in Rust [12833]
Colin Finck | Reusable code from firmware level up to user-mode
Intravisor -- a hypervisor for fine-grained isolation using CHERI [12767]
Vasily A. Sartakov
Introducing the M17 Project [13521]
Michelle Thompson
Java Threading Essentials [12843]
Bazlur Rahman
Keeping Your Java Hot & Fresh in 2022 [12349]
Simon Ritter
Keeping old Unix/Linux up-to-date with pkgsrc [13026]
Carsten Strotmann | Keeping software on unsupported Unix-ish operating systems up-to-date
Keeping the past to preserve the future [12330]
Elizabeth Mattijsen | On the development of a BackPAN for Raku
Knowledge Management Through Minimal Syntaxes [12617]
Jonathan McHugh | Appreciating How Terse Syntaxes Are Capable of Being Combined In Unexpected Ways
LLVM and ANTLR: A Starter on a non-Linux Machine [12645]
Babar Khan
Let's Talk About Foreign Functions In Java [12913]
Deepu K Sasidharan
Showing 141 to 150 of 682 events