Patching Democracy [10960]
Till Sanders | A short introduction to voting advice applications and why we might not need to hack democracy
Products versus Protocols [11729]
Matthew Wild | Or why I no longer recommend XMPP and Matrix
openwifi - opensource WiFi chip [10844]
Xianjun Jiao | Progress 2020 and future idea/plan
A brief introduction to Open Source Design [11625]
Bernard Tyers
Build a p2p distributed app with vue, really fast [11708]
Guillem Córdoba
Calling Python from Go In Memory [10987]
Miki Tebeka | Using 0 Serialization and ε Memory
Combining Progressive Delivery With GitOps And Continuous Delivery [11279]
Viktor Farcic, Alexander Matyushentsev
Database schema management for lazybones: from chaos to heaven [11021]
Julien Riou
Is GNU Guix a minimal distribution, and what might that even mean? [10993]
Christopher Baines
Making a simple language is complicated [11000]
Christophe de Dinechin | Humans are so illogical
Showing 81 to 90 of 662 events