Abstract the SIP Handling Using the Call API [11698]
Liviu Chircu
Adding contracts to the GCC GNAT Ada standard libraries [11372]
Joffrey Huguet | to strengthen analysis provided by formal verification tools
AlekSIS [11527]
Dominik George, Benedict Suska, Xithrius, Tom Teichler, Jonathan Weth
An Environment for Interactive Parallel Programming with MPI and OpenMP [10981]
Christian Terboven, Jonas Hahnfeld
An emulator for my old system today and tomorrow ? [11597]
Christophe Ponsard | Thoughts and guidelines about digital preservation by/of emulators
And that, folks, is how we shared code between Android, iOS and the Backend [11541]
Marco Gomiero
Automatic Asynchronous Replication Connection Failover [11350]
hemant dangi
Automating OpenChain with an open source CI pipeline [11371]
James Curtis | From code selection through container images to distribution
Bach Builds (on(ly)) Java Modules [10958]
Christian Stein
Better User Management under MySQL 8.0 [11284]
Dave Stokes
Showing 531 to 540 of 662 events