HOMER 2020 [9951]
Lorenzo Mangani | Meet the latest HOMER and its ground breaking features, and learn about our project vision for the future of HEP and RTC monitoring
Hacking on GraalVM: A (very) Rough Guide [10725]
Andrew Dinn, Josh Matsuoka
HashDNS and FQDNDHCP [10508]
Renzo Davoli | IPv6 DNS configuration made easy
Helpful NullPointerExceptions - The little thing that became a JEP [10729]
Christoph Langer
How Does Innersource Impact on the Future of Upstream Contributions? [10318]
Bradley M. Kuhn
How Safe is Asynchronous Master-Master Setup? [9708]
Sveta Smirnova
How Yocto extra tools help industrial project [9515]
Pierre Ficheux | Yocto is not (only) bitbake
Improving BIND 9 Code Quality [10142]
Ondřej Surý | Why is concurrent programming so hard?
IoT Projects in FLOSS Foundations [10630]
Alvaro del Castillo | A report based on communities data
KDE Itinerary [9146]
Volker Krause | A privacy by design travel assistant
Showing 441 to 450 of 869 events