GDB pipelines -- convenience iteration over inferior data structures [9322]
Matthew Malcomson | Bringing MDB's "walkers" to GDB
Generate a DeepSpeech model with the help of your community [10812]
Daniele Scasciafratte | How to get fun with teamwork
GeoServer Basics [10564]
Jody Garnett
How to write a scikit-learn compatible estimator/transformer [9504]
Adrin Jalali | Tips and tricks, testing your estimator, and must-watch related current developments
IOT Lightning Talks [10679]
| Show us your IOT pet project, 5mins each, don't be shy
Introduction to Reactive Programming with RxPY [9318]
Romain Picard
Introduction to the devroom and the Open Source Design collective [10431]
Bernard Tyers, Amit Nambiar
IoT with CircuitPython [10672]
David Glaude | Look mam, no development environment.
Janus as a WebRTC "enabler" [10285]
Lorenzo Miniero | Having fun with RTP and external applications
Journalists are researchers like any others [10787]
Anne L'Hôte, Bruno Thomas
Showing 351 to 360 of 869 events